The quaking aspen tree, also known as golden aspen and white poplar, is a deciduous ornamental tree that can really liven up your landscape in sight and sound. When faced with the gentlest of breezes, the leaves tremble and create a rustling sound. Their white bark with dark markings also makes for a unique look. While this tree looks great any time of the year, it erupts into a golden color in the fall and is one of the most popular trees for ‘leaf-peeping’ all around the country. They are commonly planted to block undesirable views and noise and give off a forest-like feel. These trees are also popular with songbirds and butterflies. Because of its many uses and ease of care, Quaking aspen is the most widely grown tree in North America. It can also be used as bonsai specimens.
- Each pack contains basic instructions for germination
- Suitable for Zones 1-8
I’m a USA seller which means faster shipping times as well as higher quality seeds. A vast majority of my seeds either come from my garden, from my neighborhood or in the local area. If not, I’ve acquired them on trips around the country. I’ve tested and grown many of these myself.
I’m always here for assistance with germination and growing. Your success is my success!